Sunday, December 7, 2014

Passion in Purpose!

Inspiration Fuels Our Purpose

 Have you ever been so passionate about a goal or a dream that you finally set out on, but then suddenly became distracted, discouraged and even disenchanted?  Maybe it seemed unrealistic, unfathomable, and unattainable.  You once had the courage to go for it because you were so excited and someone believed in you.  Do you remember the passion burning inside of you?   That flame that was blazing so strongly eventually dwindled, barely glowing, and now left just flickering.
Within all of us lies a purpose, a plan, a gift.  Our life is a tough journey with obstacles bombarding us and disappointments arising causing our flame to die out.  Where did the passion go?   Perhaps we allowed other’s   negativity to distract us.  We even rehearse over and over a harmful spoken word that wasn’t meant to be said; perhaps it was just a plain misunderstanding.  Everyday issues, relationships, and sickness will beat us down, forging our focus to be lost and we just need someone or something to realign us.  Have you been there?  Or maybe you haven’t had time to discover your passion yet.  “Different things motivate different people, but inspiration is critical if we are going to discover what we are passionate about.”  (Zig Ziglar)  
                The passion needed to fulfill our purpose needs to be fueled.  Passion plays a very significant part in great accomplishments.  Our desire to accomplish a goal needs inspiration to keep it alive.  We can easily become complacent, tired, too busy, and lose sight of our goal or purpose.   We need inspiration to fuel our passion.  It can’t be a one-time blast of inspiration; we must constantly look for ways to stir it up.  We all go through seasons of low motivation and desperately need a boost.   I came across a book, Better than Good by Zig Ziglar that jumped off the screen at me, so I ordered it and it sat on my bookshelf for 9 months.  Finally, I picked it up a few weeks ago and it has inspired me to keep on pressing forward.  When we renew our minds, our attitude changes, and life gets better!   Here are a few practical ways the author offers to inspire you!

1.        Invest in inspiration.  Invest your time, talent, and treasure.  “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:21)    We choose how we use our time, talents, and our money.   “The more time, talent, and treasure you invest in your passion, the more you will fight for it, defend it, and protect it from everyone and everything that would attempt to steal it from you.”  (Zig Ziglar)  Are you searching for ways to learn and grow?  Are you attending seminars or classes, purchasing books to guide you?   If your heart is totally involved; you’re on your way!  We can’t just wait for it to happen, we must take action.   

2.        Inquire for inspiration.  Find a mentor—someone who has the same passion and truly inspires you and cares enough to walk the journey with you.  There is nothing more inspiring than following someone who is already successful and motivated.  Learning by example with accountability is key.  Passion is contagious so take note of who you choose to spend your time with.   Take in all you can by asking questions, listening, and you’ll be surprised how willing people can be if you just ask.   

3.        Get involved at a level that is bigger than you are.  Sometimes we have to get up and get involved in order to find inspiration and keep the passion aflame.  And the bigger the movement is in which we choose to get involved, the more inspired we will become.  Think about being the only one standing in a football stadium or being one of seventy thousand fans.  We feed off   the excitement of others who have the same goal in mind.   

4.       Imagine.  Picture yourself doing it.  The power of the imagination is an incredible tool.  I vividly remember one day years ago while vacuuming seeing myself teaching a fitness class and loving it!   You have to envision your dream and believe you can do it.  Taking quiet time to think, pray, and dream is vital to accomplish great things.  

Start by writing down the four steps to inspiration, and you may come up with a few more of your own.  Remember that tough days will come, but allow those times to mold you and make you stronger and wiser.  Think about your thoughts because they are like a train that will lead you to that destination.   A thought planted in your mind can change your whole perspective.    A positive, optimistic, and thankful   attitude is key for your passion journey.


“Watch your thoughts; they become words.

Watch your words; they become actions.

Watch your actions; they become habits.

Watch your habits; they become character.

Watch your character; for it becomes your destiny!”


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